The Center for Aging Inc, in Huntsville Alabama is a nonprofit, community based organization. Our center provides a brand new, innovative and comprehensive model of care for adults over the age of 65. Our coordinated multidisciplinary care, featuring a spirit of excellence and compassion, helps our community elders as they navigate through the various stages of the aging process.

CDC facts about falls.

Steadi toolkit


A fall in an elderly person can be a life changing event for the patient and their loved ones. A fall can be a devastating event in the life of an individual and can impose an enormous burden on individuals, their families and our health care system. It is important to know that falls are not due to the inevitable aspect of aging but result from multiple causes ( and they are known as risk factors) that can be both intrinsic and related to the immediate environment.

A single fall even when injuries are minor can lead to a cascading effect of dependency by inducing a fear of falling leading to decreased mobility, decreased ability to function, loss of confidence, decreased quality of life, depression, that leads to self-imposed activity restriction and social isolation resulting in increased risk of institutionalization and premature death.

Falls are not accidents but are the symptomatic manifestations of underlying causative factors. Identifying and strategically targeting these risk factors can prevent falls. Research has identified effective preventive strategies but this has not been translated into effective community-based programs and neither has it been adopted into clinical practice. Fall prevention has largely been ignored due to the belief that falls are an inevitable aspect of aging.

The good news is that falls can be prevented through spreading knowledge about fall prevention and developing community based FALL PREVENTION programs that will allow seniors to live gracefully as they navigate through the various phases of the aging process


  • One-third of adults above the age of 65 years fall each year. The likelihood of falling increases substantially with further increasing age.
  • Fall-related injuries are the leading cause of injury-related death and disability among older adults.
  • The most serious fall injury is hip fracture. One-half of older adults who are hospitalized for hip fracture never recover their former level of function.
  • Falls are one of the common causes for visits to the Emergency Room and for admission to the hospital. They are also a leading cause for admission to a nursing home.
  • Two-thirds of those who fall will experience another fall within six months.
  • Approximately one-half of all falls occur at home; therefore, it is critical to address home hazards which contribute to falls.

Webmaster: jfreedman@knology.net